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An information service provided by Going International | 11/2008

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

In this issue you will find the following topics:
1. Course Tip:"Disability and Development"
2. Congress Tip: "UK Conference on Evidence Based Health Care"
3. Special of the month: "United Nations Population Fund"

Best regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD

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Disability and Development

Organized by: University College London (UCL) / Centre for International Child Health | Venue: United Kingdom: London | Date: January 12th - 30th, 2009 |  Language: English | Fees: GBP 600-650 | Contents: Focuses on international disability legislation/guidelines, disability in relation to health, disease and illness and disability and community development. Examines the models of service delivery for disabled people, the inclusive education movement and the links between disability and poverty | Audience:   Health professionals and managers working in the area of development, disability and international child health | Requirements:   English language proficiency, professional work experience | Registration:    CIHD Postgraduate Teaching Office, Tel: +44/(0)207/905 2119, Fax: +44/ (0)207/404 2062, E-mail:, | Notes: Candidates can take this module as an unassessed short course student (GBP 600) or an assessed taster course student (GBP 650)

TIP: 34 more courses and congresses dealing with "Health Services" can be found in the new course catalogue "medicine & health 2009". Order now!
Or order the new thematic edition "Training & Education in Public Health" here.

UK Conference on Evidence Based Health Care

Organized by: Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine | Venue: United Kingdom: Oxford | Date: December 8th - 9th, 2008 | Language: English | Registration:

This conference is aimed at Health Care professionals who are interested in the practice of Evidence Based health care and want to explore issues around practicing teaching and the development of Evidence Based practice. This conference is designed to bring together individuals to foster collaboration and share best practice.
For more information about CEBM click here.

Conference schedule
Application form

TIP: 27 more courses and conferences dealing with "Evidence Based Medicine" can be found in the new course catalogue "medicine & health 2009". Order now!
Or order the new thematic edition "Training & Education in Research and Evidence-Based Decision Making" here.

United Nations Population Fund


UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.


Order the new thematic edition “Training & Education in Humanitarian Assistance and Development Cooperation” here!

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