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An information service provided by Going International | 07/2008

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

In this issue you will find the following topics:
1. Course Tip: "Essentials of Humanitarian Practice 2008"
2. Congress Tip: "2008 Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition Annual Conference"
3. Special of the month: "Recommended website:"

Best regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD

P.S.: Our service "GI-Recommendation" enables you to recommend this edition of our newsletter directly to your friends and colleagues. Please use this link.

Essentials of Humanitarian Practice 2008

Organized by: RedR-IHE Engineers for Disaster Relief | Venue: United Kingdom: London | Date: September 1st, 2008 - September 5th, 2008 |  Language: English | Fees: Max. GBP 825 | Contents: Introduction of the principles of the humanitarian sector and realities of working in emergencies, humanitarian and relief systems, accountability and international law, impacts and dilemmas of relief work, individual and group activities. | Audience:   People from all professional backgrounds and disciplines, staff from humanitarian aid organisations and individuals looking to work in the sector. | Registration:    Tel.: +44/(0)207/233 3116, E-mail:,

TIP: 36 more courses dealing with "First Mission Abroad and Complex Emergencies" can be found in the course catalogue "medicine & health 2008". Order now!
Or order the new thematic special edition "Humanitarian Assistance and Complex Emergencies" here!

2008 Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition Annual Conference

Organized by:
The Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition | Venue: USA: Harrisburg, PA | Date: October 8th, 2008 | Language: English | Content: Breast cancer and the environment, coping with breast cancer through yoga and meditation, developing a patient navigator program, integrative medicine and wellness strategies to cope with the symptoms of cancer and its treatment, new approaches to the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, racial disparities in breast cancer. | Audience: Medical professionals, breast cancer survivors, community and corporate leaders, legislators and advocates. |
Registration:    E-mail:,

TIP: 44 more courses and conferences dealing with "Oncology" can be found in the new course catalogue "medicine & health 2008". Order now!
Or order the new thematic special editions "Interdisciplinary Medicine" here!

Going International provides a huge range of recommended thematic websites, such as:

Recommended website:

Swiss Tropical Institute
English, French, German
The Swiss Tropical Institute was founded in 1943 as a public organisation. Their activities are teaching and research, support of development in the field of health in countries of both the South and the East and Provision of services for the general public in Switzerland and the surrounding regions.

Direct Links to
About STI

For more information go to
  Imprint: Going International, information services G.Polak KEG,
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