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An information service provided by Going International | 04/2007

Dear Dr. Musterman,

In this issue you will find the following topics:
1. Course Tip: "Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling and its Applications"
2. Congress Tip: "5th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health"
3. Special of the month: "Recommended website:"

Best regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD

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Organized by: The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, UK | Venue: United Kingdom: London | Contents: Mathematical modelling is increasingly being applied to interpret and predict the dynamics and control of infectious diseases. Applications include predicting the impact of vaccination strategies against infections and determining optimal control strategies against influenza, HIV, vector-borne diseases and veterinary problems. This two week intensive course is intended to introduce professionals working on infectious diseases in human or animal populations to this exciting and expanding area. The emphasis will be on developing a conceptual understanding of the basic methods and on their practical application, rather than the manipulation of mathematical equations. | Date: June 4th, 2007 - June 15th, 2007

For more information please see PDF, go to or contact us at

TIP: 53 more courses dealing with "Epidemiology and Infectiology" can be found in the new Course Catalogue "medicine & health 2007" ". Order online now!

5th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health

Organizer: K.I.T. Swiss S.A, Association & Conference Management Group | Venue: Netherlands: Amsterdam | Date: May 24th, 2007 - May 28th, 2007 | Language: English | Contents: The theme chosen for this congress is Partnership and Innovation in Global He@lth, expressing the need for collaboration to develop the quality of global health and achieve some of the Millennium Development Goals. Global collaboration means collaboration between North and South, South and South, North and North, and East and West. Furthermore, innovation is important to be able to attempt to control the major problems of international health. The upcoming congress in Amsterdam is welcoming every health professional to create a platform where all issues concerning global health may be addressed, such as issues of public health, clinical tropical medicine, health economics, poverty, basic science, diagnostics and therapeutics.

For more information please see PDF or go to

TIP: 97 more courses and congresses dealing with "Tropical Medicine and International Health" can be found in the new Course Catalogue "medicine & health 2007" Order now!

Recommended website:

Information: The Office of Science & Technology (OST) was established in 2001 as an inter-ministerial initiative supported by four Austrian ministries. The OST´s motto is “Building bridges of knowledge and expertise between Austria and North America”. The OST's main focus is in the following areas: - Establishment and maintenance of a network of Austrian scientists and scholars in North America - Policy consulting in the sciences, research and technology - Consulting and support in initiation of new R&D cooperation

Online Magazine : The OST publishes the quarterly free on-line magazine “bridges” which reaches about 20,000 readers a month. “bridges” reports on new developments in science and technology and informs on policy issues and trends in the US, Canada and Europe. To read the current issue of this magazine, please click here.

TIP: Visit our website for additional information about courses, congresses, websites and journals – by combining "medicine & health" with our website, you are always up to date!
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