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An information service provided by Going International | 11/2006

Dear Dr. Musterman,

In this issue you will find the following topics:
1. Course Tip: "PgCert Social Development and Health 2007"
2. Congress Tip: "Medic Africa 32"
3. Special of the Month: "Launch of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)"

Best regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD

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PgCert Social Development and Health 2007

Organizer: Queen Margaret University College, Institute of International Health and Development | Venue: United Kingdom: Edinburgh | Date: January 2007 – April 2007 |  Language: English |  Fees: On request |  Course contents: Health and social development consequences of conflict and the need for effective and appropriate interventions, complex policy and practice issues in diverse settings affected by conflict or countries emerging from conflict | Target Audience: People seeking to address health and social issues in complex emergencies or work in post-conflict or politically unstable environments | Requirements: Relevant professional or practical experience, completion of a relevant degree | Registration: Fustukian, Suzanne, Tel.: +44/(0)131/317 34–91, Fax: +44/ (0)131/317 34–94, E-mail: | For more Information please see PDF

TIP: 24 more courses and congresses dealing with "Humanitarian Assistance - Complex Emergencies" can be found in the new Course Catalogue "medicine & health 2007" - Order online now!

Medic Africa 32

Organizer: Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and the Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (AGPMPN) | Venue: Nigeria: Abuja | Date: December 6th-8th 2006 | Language: English | Course Contents: The conference programme has three distinct parts. First, in the main plenary hall area, there will be a series of state of the art continuing medical education sessions on topics of local relevance and interest. Second is that the meeting is to coincide with the National Executive Committee of the NMA which brings delegates in from all corners of the Federation. And third, utilising the many small break out meeting rooms in the centre, there will be a series of small parallel sessions for industry sponsored sessions covering new product launches or educational initiatives on specific niche subject areas | Website and Registration:

TIP: 47 more courses and congresses dealing with "Public Health " can be found in the new Course Catalogue "medicine & health 2007" - Order online now!

Launch of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

The Framework Programmes (FPs) have been the main financial tools through which the European Union supports research and development activities covering almost all scientific disciplines. The FP is proposed by the European Commission and adopted by Council and the European Parliament. FPs have been implemented since 1984. FP7 will be fully operational as of 1 January 2007 and it has been proposed to run for seven years.

It is designed to build on the achievements of its predecessor towards the creation of the European Research Area, and carry it further towards the development of the knowledge economy and society in Europe. The overarching aim is to contribute to sustainable development, comprising nine high level themes such as health, food, agriculture and biotechnology.

For more information see:

Network of National Contact Points (NCPs) in Member States and Associated States:

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