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Logo Going International

AOP - Advanced Ophthalmologic Practice

IMCAS - International Master Course on Aging Science
15.12.2017 - 16.12.2017  Palais Brongniart, 28 Place de la Bourse, Paris 75002, France
Temas de la conferencia
AOP is celebrating 30 years of delivering the highest quality teaching in ophthalmology. Sign up for the 30th anniversary AOP Congress to be part of the celebration!

Through its well-known applied techniques workshops, AOP has so far helped thousands of participants discover the best tips and tricks for their daily practice. And with its strong scientific background, AOP is now ready to go one step further by opening the congress to an international stage.
Objetivos de formación
Workshops explore 14 important themes, covering both anterior and posterior segments and retina, vitreous, glaucoma. There is also a module tailored for young ophthalmologists, along with collaborative sessions with internationalScientific Societies.
Ophthalmologists and those in the ophthalmology field.

Información e inscripción:

AOP Congress
Oftalmología y Optometría
Inglés, Fracés
Cuota del Congreso
Sobre pedido
Los participantes esperaban
Cantacto organizador
7 rue de la Manutention
75116 Paris