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Global health, conflict and violence MOOC

Medical Peace Work
26.08.2019 - 15.09.2019
Course Content
Violence affects health in multiple ways. Medical peace work is an important and emerging field of expertise in health, violence prevention, and peace-building.
This course will introduce you to some of the key concepts, opportunities and dilemmas in the field through three case studies on causes, responses, roles, and duties of healthcare practitioners in dealing with violence and building peaceful societies.
Learning objectives, training objectives
-Discuss definitions of peace, conflict, and violence and their relationship to the health professions
-Understand the different types of MPW that health care professionals can participate in globally and locally
-Recognise and respond to violence
Target Audience
Different health professionals and students in these fields.
Typical postgraduate careers and job opportunities
It is particularly relevant to students in clinical healthcare professions (such as medicine, nursing, and allied health) and equally relevant to those working in broader disciplines (such as public health, global health, and development studies).
This course has been created for people with some experience in healthcare.
Local Organizer
University of Bergen (Norway)
Workload: 9 hours (3 weeks รก 3 hours).

Enquiries and Registration:

This free online course covers the following three teaching cases: 1. Crisis at the district hospital 2. Nuclear weapons 3. Climate change and health
Mr. Dr. Klaus Melf
Development Cooperation - First Mission Abroad, Development Cooperation - Special Topics and Health, Emergency Medicine International, Epidemiology and Disease Control, General Medicine, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Health Professions Education, Health Promotion, Health Services, Health Systems, Hospital Management and Organisation, Humanitarian Assistance - First Mission Abroad, Leadership, Management for NPOs and NGOs, Mental Health, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Public Health, Social Medicine, Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine
Type of degree
Certificate of completion
Education form
Participation is free
Organizer contact info
Revsfjora 310
5643 Strandvik