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ESOR Course for EDiR on Breast Imaging

ESOR - European School of Radiology
14.11.2019  Hotel Das Triest, Wiedner Hauptstraße 12, 1040 Vienna, Österreich
In 2019, ESOR is continuing to organise foundation courses to prepare/assist those entering examinations for the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR). These courses may also be attended by board-certified radiologists, wishing to update their knowledge in a specific area. A series of courses is organised at the Hotel Das Triest in Vienna/Austria, in November 2019. The format will include nine courses, each one dealing with a specific organ/system-oriented theme.

Anfragen und Anmeldung:

Frau Maria Wildfellner
Veranstalter Kontakt
Am Gestade 1
1010 Wien