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Master of Health Professions Education

Maastricht University / Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
25.05.2020 - Mitte Juni 2021
Health professionals play an important role in preventing, treating and curing disease and in promoting health at the individual and societal levels. It is essential to ensure that those who train healthcare professionals create effective educational programmes that result in high quality health services. The Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) gives participants the knowledge and skills required for a career in health professions education and research.
Lernziele, Trainingsziele
Introduction, Learning & Cognition, Curriculum design, Assessment, Organization & Leadership, Academic Research Skills. Quantitative & Qualitative Research, Learning Environments, Advanced Assessments & Evaluation, Master Thesis, Advanced Research.
A variety of educational professionals, who have acquired a university degree in one of the health professions in their native country (e.g.: health sciences, medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, dentistry, pharmacy, speech therapy).
Typische Postgraduate Berufsfelder und Berufschancen
The MHPE programme is firmly rooted in educational theory. Participants are required to use theory-based insights in dealing with educational problems. The cases used are derived from the student’s own from the student’s own professional environment.
The programme is open to students who have acquired a BA university degree in one of the health professions in their native country at a level equivalent to a Dutch degrees in these fields. Sufficient English language is required. See website
Accreditation Organisation of the Nederlands and Flanders
Lokaler Veranstalter
School of Health Professions Education, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Exploring the interrelationship between educational theory, research and educational practice is a fundamental part of the MHPE programme.

Anfragen und Anmeldung:

Registration: Email:
Frau Danielle Vogt
Gesundheitspädagogik / Health Professions Education, Wissenschaftlich fundierte Gesundheitsversorgung
Art des Abschlusses
Master, Abschluss-Zertifikat
Fernstudium, e-Learning
24 Monate
Credit Points
60 ECTS - Points
EUR 15.400,00
(The tuition fee is € 15,400 to be paid in two installments of € 7,700. Not included are costs of accommodation, board or transportation.)
Teilnehmerzahl (max.)
Veranstalter Kontakt
Universiteitssingel 60
6229 ER Maastricht
Aspher University